Three best Rated Martial Arts School
Top 3 Martial Arts in Birmingham Zen-Shin Martial Arts Academy Congratulations! You are now listed as one of the Top 3 Martial arts in Birmingham. We would like to Thank You for providing consistent high quality in your area of business. Our review team either approved or updated your business listing using our 50-Point InspectionRead More >>
Zen-Shin Squad at International Competition
Many of these competitors have been training many years before they chase their ambitions of glory to compete against other clubs. Harry and Steve both break the mould. Both students have been training for around 6 months, and have already competed multiple times. It takes bravery to compete against someone on the same level.Read More >>
The Miracle of Mokuso – Meditation in class
You may have noticed we have been doing 'Mokuso' more often at the beginning and end of our classes at Zen-Shin this year. A lot of you may be wondering why?Read More >>
Women do karate too – Period
I love going to karate, focusing on my training and working hard in class. However, there was a certain time Every . Single . Month that I dreaded putting on my fresh white gi and stepping into the dojo. Yep, you guessed it, i'm talking about my period.Read More >>
First Inter-club competition for the Zen-Shin Kickboxing & Muay Thai team
On Sunday 10th September our small Zen-Shin Kickboxing and Muay Thai [KBMT] team headed to the 1st Reaction boxing gym for our first Inter-club Competition. Our team comprised of Lazaros (10 years old), it is his second inter-club this year. Our senior fighter Gurbax (53 years old) and finally Sensei Abian (25 years old). AlthoughRead More >>
Zen-Shin Karate Camp 2017
The 5th to the 8th of May 2017 saw Zen-Shin’s annual tradition of going to Devon for our Karate Camp. Devon Cliffs Holiday Park in Sandy Bay, Exeter, has hosted our Karate Camps for 34 years now. This year we followed the same timetable as the previous, 2 large classes, instead of 3 smaller ones.Read More >>