Zen-Shin Martial Arts Association

176 Soho Hill, Handsworth, Birmingham, West Midlands, B19 1AL.

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Tel: 07976401214

The New 7th Edition Syllabus


front-slyabus-finalZen-Shin Martial Arts Association has a long history of producing our own Karate syllabus for our students. They act as a companion to the karateka, and will take the novice white belt to an experienced black belt.


Over the years the style of the syllabus has changed, whilst the content remained largely the same. We feel our next generation of syllabus has really improved ease of use and function. Each belt has its own page allowing more room to fit all the combinations on. We are now printing in colour which really improves the way we read and interact with our syllabus.

We understand getting into a new hobby, undertaken in a different language can be daunting, so we kept parents and novices in mind when designing the new syllabus. A new coloured belt progression page will help parents and students track the progress until black belt. Techniques are also written in clearer English under the Japanese, and each section of the grading is more carefully explained.

The new syllabus will be given to all our new members when they join. Old members will be able to purchase the new syllabus from their instructor.

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