Zen-Shin Martial Arts Association

176 Soho Hill, Handsworth, Birmingham, West Midlands, B19 1AL.

Book a FREE Trial Lesson

Tel: 07976401214

First Aid Course 18th July 2021

On Sunday the 18th July 2021, Zen-Shin held a First Aid Course open for all our students. The course was well attended by lots of different students of differing ages and grades. The main purpose of the First Aid Course is for the students who are going for their black belt. One of the criteria

Kumite Workshop 1

This weekend we will hold our first kumite workshop for Zen-Shin members on Saturday from 3:00-4:30pm. Our workshop will focus on kumite from a competition perspective. This means it is about scoring points, rather than doing the most damage to your opponent. Sport kumite, although completely different to the self-defence we practice through bunkai, and

Kata Workshop 1

Saturday was the first Kata workshop we held at Zen-Shin in 2021. This comes at a great time for us, as lockdown restrictions are easing, and adults are now back in the dojo. We went through Gojushiho Sho during our workshop, a high level Shotokan kata. Sensei Jumoke was inspired after watching the EKF championship